The two
oldest UFO reports from
"Year 7025 (1517) November
8, great sign was shown on the sky, because it was glowing from the north
like a human face, and rested for a long time and again hided itself in the
The text is from the
"Moldavian Yearbook" (Letopisetul Moldovenesc), reproduced in
the paper "Could they be Flying Saucers?" in Historic
Magazine" 12/1968 (in original: Să fi fost oare farfurii zburătoare?,
Dalila-Lucia Aramă , paleograf
principal la cabinetul de manuscrise al Bibliotecii Academiei Române, Magazin
Istoric 12/1968). Historic Magazine" is a popular but very serious
historical monthly in
. This was the only paper dedicated to UFOs, in more than 40 years, in this
magazine, probably due the fact that in 1968 some dramatic UFO sightings, well
represented in media, were reported in
In 15 October 1595, when
the Valachian prince Michel the Brave besieged the city of Targoviste,
the capital of Valachia, temporarily occupied by Turks, above the military camp
"a large comet appeared" and rested for two hours (according to an
Italian report of the facts, redacted in Prague). After three days the Turks
were defeated. As no astronomic record mentions a comet for this day, the
sighting was accepted as unidentified.
from two independent
contemporary documents, reproduced in the book: Călin
N. Turcu, Enciclopedia observațiilor O.Z.N. din România (1517-1994), Ed.
Emanuel, București, 1994, p.3.
An old German engraving printed in 1665 about the 1595
Targoviste case
